Securely Redact Your Documents

Using cutting-edge AI & Machine Learning technologies, you can securely redact your documents automatically with ease.

Person modifying digital document Background containing plant and floor

The future of redaction is here

Stop wasting time and money manually redacting your documents. Let our powerful models handle it for you.

Artificial Intelligence

Powerful AI models drive our automated processes which quickly processes your documents.


Our platform has multiple layers of security built in to provide you with peace of mind. We'll never store the original document that you wish to be processed.

File Support

Our solutions can handle multiple file types, including PDF.

Web Application

Incredibly easy-to-use web application to allow you to upload your documents securely to be processed.

Person using computer looking at digital document

Pricing Plan

Stop wasting time and money manually securing your documents.

Person modifying digital document
The Auditor

Detect PII In Your Documents

  • Detect sensitive information
  • Securely share your file
  • Perform email scans prior to sending
  • Awesome Support
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People looking at data visualisations
The Redactor

Automatically redact sensitive information

  • Cutting-edge AI models
  • High accuracy rate
  • View redacted documents online
  • Redacted in under 2 hours
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Person using laptop on a sofa
The Custom

Have a custom use case?

  • Work directly with our team
  • Bespoke solution just for you
  • Super friendly support team
  • Utilise our existing high accuracy models
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Get in touch

Contact us to learn more about what we can offer.